Tira is a music therapist. Music therapists are health professionals who use treatments such as creating, singing, moving to and/or listening to music to accomplish therapeutic goals. Research indicates that the use of music therapy can help with physical rehabilitation, facilitating movement, and increasing engagement in treatment. Music therapy is a Creative Arts Therapy that uses music to help typical and non-typical developing people of all ages address their needs and sustain, improve and restore physical, emotional and cognitive well being.


Youtube video - Arts for Autism

Buy my CD at CD Baby.com

John Colianni - Pianist

Moonsoup Tira teaches there every wednesday at 1:30pm (Crawlers Rock and Sign - 5-13 months) on their east side winter class schedule

Lovealotpreschool Tira also hosts a music and movement program with the children at Love A Lot 1 (Preschool Program Ages 2-5)  on Tuesdays from 10-11am and Love A Lot 2 from 11am-12pm (infant and toddler program)